Signs along the beaten path...

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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tuesday Caption Contest

Okay. Last week didn't go so well. I had only one reply and it just said "Hello". Bachelor Paul, by all accounts, won the contest, so I will notify him and send him a prize. This week I submit the picture below.....I know, isn't it awesome........for the caption contest. Give me your best one sentence caption, and I'll announce the winner nexr Monday. And remember kids, Tuesday is my favorite day.


Anonymous said...

HAHAHA ... I am laughing so hard I can't even think of anything funny to say!

Stu Pidasso said...

I think HAHAHA said it all. I found the photo funny too., that's why I chose it.

Stu Pidasso said...

No winner again this round due to no entrants! We will try again tomorrow; and for grins, my entry would have been: "Paul never could understand why he didn't get selected for the flying monkey role in THE WIZARD OF OZ."

Melissa said...

I came across your blog earlier, via "Mama Kat's" writing assignment... This picture is great, did anyone win the caption contest??

Melissa said...

How about this one:

"New Rules for Leap Frog..."

Stu Pidasso said...

We have a winner!!!!!! I'll get with you so I can mail you a gift certificate to the music store of your choice or Barnes and Nobles or such.......leap frog never even crossed my mind. And count me out on that game!!

Melissa said...

WOW, i'm so excited... I never win anything!! What is your e-mail address so I don't have to post my address on the blog.
Also, I like any kind of rock, alt rock, classic rock.... RUSH, KORN & Foo Fighters are my favorites.. and I would take any of their stuff, LIVE.... Oh, I've thought about getting the newest BECK cd.

Thanks so much!!!!

Stu Pidasso said...