Signs along the beaten path...

All work published here, whether my own or someone else's is subject to copyright laws and will be rabidly protected through litigation!

Do not trespass against thy neighbors (you may however stroll on the grass to feel it between your toes)!

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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Helping to "publish" a friend's long past work...



Sausage sizzling on the grill,

Hash brown potatoes, hot corn pone,

Hungry men consume their fill,

Remembrance of a country morn.

Biscuits floating in a sea of gravy,

Like ships of Nelson's navy;

Cups of black coffee steaming,

Idle oilfield workers dreaming.

Now the sun has chased the dark,

The air is warm and sky is bright;

The idle men go to the park,

There to sit and wait the dark.

Note: the picture is random, of an oil worker, from East Texas. As always, work on this site is original and subject to all copyright laws.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a good poem you wrote.
