Signs along the beaten path...

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Friday, July 16, 2010

I find my kids come and go as they please like a....

by stu pidasso

Oh, you damned bumblebees!
You flit, you dart, you come so close
with your humming, buzzing melodies.
Then you disappear like a ghost

You catch my eye
as you fly by.
I follow your every move.

Your dainty, deft dancing
is beautiful, I must confess.
The way you seduce each flower
in your black and yellow dress

should be a crime
in any one's time,
but we all love your groove!

Yes, my sweet bumblebee,
You, solely have grasp over this father.
I will watch you from glen to lea,
so as to admire my wonderful daughter.

I'll offer up my hand,
on which, for you to land.
I swear I will not move.

Statuesque, I will stand,
even if stung by she whom I love!
I will endure, as is planned,
by The One sitting high up above.

I will play my part,
until your heart
is given to a man to lose.

So fly away, oh bumblebee!
Seek out each and every bloom!
Take in all that this world can offer thee,
then come home to rest, I have the room.

I will stay steadfast,
here until the last,
patiently awaiting to hear news of you.

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