Signs along the beaten path...

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Friday, August 7, 2009

Lonely house again....

Ode to a Boy's Dog
A friend has left
and gone away
and taken with him
my sunny day.
My boy, Bru;
who has stood by
has run his course
and had to die.
I carried him out
into the yard
and said my goodbyes
oh so hard.
He will missed
there is no doubt
those loving eyes
and cold, wet snout.
I wear his chain
every day
to remind me now
he's gone away.
I hope that he
is up with dad
playing catch
and feeling glad.
And when, like him,
may race is run
I'll join them both
in heavenly fun.
stu pidasso


That Janie Girl said...

Oh, Stu.

I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing a friend like that is hard, we had to do it last year with Zoie - you can read about her on my blog.

Hugs and love heading your way...

Stu Pidasso said...

Thanks, Janie. Just one more lap on the circle o' life. However hard it is muddling through the initial loss, we are always better for having shared time with our loved ones than not.

Lack of a nice perimeter fence is standing (or not standing) between myself and another good friend.

All in due time.

You feeling better this morning??

doc said...

I cannot believe Brutus has been gone 2 years. I miss him terribly. Great friend, best dog. Doc