Signs along the beaten path...

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Monday, November 3, 2008

Train ride tankas....

So Ce, I must bounce!
As much as I like to be
in your loving arms,
Houston calls unto me now.
I yield to my daughter's charms.

Howl through the wind swept oak tree!!
Air with direction,
carry my voice of frustration,
to Miles, my wonderful son!!

White is the color,
Like sincerity and peace.
Such is my surname.
My anger I must release.
Thank you father for my shame.

A month with my brood,
lonely Sunday when they go.
Now I'm in no mood,
I seek solace with my bro.
He can fix my attitude.

Some say God loves us.
He wants us to be happy,
and so it is thus,
rugby is my therapy.
Sevens on sand in Corpus.

Nubian princess,
known only as Divina.
An angel no less,
glides like a ballerina.
Not for me, I'm such a mess.

Young Miss Yurika,
beautiful Japanese girl
sitting next to me,
but could I speak your language
or kiss your lips so softly.

All of these were written riding on the train (duh??), but the dates vary from March of 2005 to July of 2006. They are in the tanka poetry style. Don't know what that is?? Try this site for more poetry forms. Thanks Angie for setting my spelling in the write direction!!


Claremont First Ward said...

I have never tried to write in the tanka style, but my daughter and I rock the second grade haiku last year :), I'll have to try. You write them beautifully.

I received my CD today. Thank you so much. Great selection, and SO quick.

Stu Pidasso said...

Thanks, I saw that style on that website around the time I was traveling and decided to try it out. Those were actually some of my first trys. I'll try some more of those some time. Glad you got it and liked it, I enjoy Jack Johnson's music so much. Did you notice in the liner notes that the entire CD was recorded using solar power?

Diane said...

Cool poems. Cool poetry site. I had no idea there were that many types of poetry! I write one kind... awful :)

PS... I love Jack Johnson, too :)

jori-o said...

look at you and your creative self! impressive!!

Jennifer P. said...

You sound like my current poetry professor: "write in this style, write in that style, let me give you the most obscure exercises and you make a poem out of them--alrighty?"

Can you tell I'm a bit bitter :).

I prefer the style called MY OWN VOICE---but hey! Those are pretty impressive---for a man who I will now forever call Cupsy ;). Thanks (honestly) for sharing them.

All the best to you,
~Curl Girl

Stu Pidasso said...

I write in my own style a lot. They who control the pen control the words, everyone else be damned!! But I also try to write in the more traditional styles. Sonnets I find hard to write. Fourteen lines with set rhyming patterns and different numbers of syllables per line (Ftench, Italian or English sonnets), please!!

Stu Pidasso said...

That was supposed to be French. And once you have your first draft and message down, then it is all about the thesaurus and playing with words, which I like to do. Check out the link to Laura Salas' site on the side. She is a published poet and teacher who does some nice poetry workshops on Wednesday and Friday. I have three ideas for books I am working on when I have a little time, and hope someday to be published (with my dad and daughter would be lovely).